/ Evita Goze /

Linda Dorigo. Iraq, Baghdad, November 2012. On Phalestine Street, the church of Santa Maria is manned by a permanent checkpoint after an assassination attempt in 2010 in which 2 people died. Inside father Solomon brought from Italy a statue of Padre Pio.

Linda Dorigo. Iraq, Baghdad, November 2012. On Phalestine Street, the church of Santa Maria is manned by a permanent checkpoint after an assassination attempt in 2010 in which 2 people died. Inside father Solomon brought from Italy a statue of Padre Pio.

Linda Dorigo. Iraq, Baghdad, November 2012. On Phalestine Street, the church of Santa Maria is manned by a permanent checkpoint after an assassination attempt in 2010 in which 2 people died. Inside father Solomon brought from Italy a statue of Padre Pio.