
We welcome our readers’ submissions:

Photo stories and portfolios
On FK we celebrate various forms of contemporary photography. Reportage or fiction, color or black and white, all that matters is ability to narrate a fascinating story. We especially encourage submissions from North and East Europe. Send 12-24 images as jpgs, 1500 px on the longest side, short description of the series and short bio. Arrange files in an order from 1 onwards, for instance, john1.jpg, john2.jpg etc, the sequential number at the end will suggest us your preferred order of the photos. Please send all items in a zip folder in email or using Wetransfer. Due to the large number of submissions we receive, we may not be able to respond to all submissions.

Please note that since 24 February, 2022 we won’t be publishing any new stories from Russia unless they deal with the war or critically evaluate the social-political situation in their country.

Email all your submission to fk [at], subject: Submission.