/ Evita Goze /

David Creedon. From the series “The Summertime of my Autumn”

David Creedon. From the series "The Summertime of my Autumn"

“Hanging in my wardrobe is the dress I want to be buried in” says Zofija. She lives alone with her pet dog and keeps a small vegetable garden and some hens. The house she lives in belonged to her parents and she has lived all her life here. Her husband died twenty five years ago and they had been married for thirty two years. Her friends and family have been encouraging her to leave and live in a modern apartment but she refuses. Zofija says; “my parents, two brothers and my husband all died in this house so why should I move. I have lived here all my life and I know I haven’t much time left. What they don’t understand is I would much prefer to die in my home than somewhere strange. I have only gone outside the district once and that was to travel to Riga when I was a schoolgirl”. Her daughter lives nearby and works night shift in a bakery and she visits Zofija a couple of times a week.