/ Aneta Wójcik / Photo story

Ad maiorem Dei gloriam/For the Greater Glory of God

What is the essence of the Polish Catholicism today? What language does it use? What is its place in the public life? Are the new forms of the devotion an expression of changes or are they only a mask for the old content?

How does religiousness shape Poles, irrespective of the fact whether they identify with it or not? Should Christ be the king of Poland? Should the chasuble serve as a political poster?

The project is a case study of the Polish Catholicism and the way it affects our mentality.

Aneta Wójcik (1971) is a Polish photographer who has studied Psychology at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków and Photography at the Institute of Creative Photography Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic. On 13 May his series will be shown as part of the the projection of shortlisted work from Riga Photomonth’s open call under the theme Facts and Clarifications.