/ Ihar Hancharuk / Photo story

Violence domesticated

The current Belarusian law doesn’t contain specific regulations against domestic violence, the President rejected a draft bill criminalizing domestic violence. The project Violence domesticated comprises a series of amateur pictures from Belarusian social media depicting people imitating murder or suicide while partying, just for fun. Although presumably innocent, these imitations include cold weapon and firearm, brutality is manifested. Anonymizing people on the pictures I want to show that violence in general and domestic violence, in particular, is omnipresent in today’s Belarus: it can be a subject to jokes both for men and women and it is not properly regulated.

Ihar Hancharuk (1986) is a Belarusian photographer who has studied at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan and Docdocdoc photography school in Saint-Petersburg. The project has been selected for the Riga Photomonth open-air projection this year.