/ Michał Maliński / Photo story

An island

We talk about the boundary situation when we are struggling with something traumatic, going beyond empirical experience. That is the moment when a human becomes most aware of his fragility and existence. It is characterized by the deformation of our current reality and leaving individuals to their own devices. We find an alienated island where waiting is the only hope. In isolation, we can design our new world or simply escape to the fundamental things for us, i.e. faith, family, love. A man deprived of these values is more likely to fall into helplessness, despair, and stagnation due to the collapse of the world that he had known before. After the breakdown will he be able to tell if he had lost or gained something? Will the stain of time evaporate quickly or will it stay like hard to rub off oil stain?

Michał Maliński (1997) is a Polish artist who works with photography, painting and multimedia. In his works, he often focuses his attention on the people closest to him, the spaces he is in, and the things he has at his fingertips.