/ Aldo Giarelli / Photo story

We are everywhere

“We are everywhere” was the motto of LGBTQIA+ community during the riots in the 70’s. It was both a statement, a request of visibility and a menace.

We are everywhere, we are where you don’t want to look, close to you and we are the crack in the norm you impose.

Queer means strange or freak but its roots are in the forces meant to break the rules, to destroy the norms that are boundaries, to fight and refuse any form of tolerance made from a bourgeois common sense.

The fashion industry is proposing beauty standards that don’t represent the variety of bodies. It seems that bodies are made for clothes and not viceversa.

My project aims to show bodies that want to break the standards by the exhibition of their sexuality, their variety and their will to be represented.

The key of the project is that all the bodies I portray are sexualized. Sexual affirmation is the main point of a revolution that aims to achieve a neutrality of body perception.

Aldo Giarelli is a portrait and fashion photographer from Italy. “I try to perform some queer aesthetic and I have a strong fascination for all types of bodies. In my vision showing off a sexualized body is a revolution meant to break the norms of beauty standards,” he says.