/ Svilen Nachev / Photo story

The illusion of meaning

Photographic evidence that we exist, feel, grow, travel shapes our digital identity within a universal language, transcending cultures and societal differences. We continually project our curated moods, desires and beliefs in the ever-growing global visual landscape as we, in reciprocation, are inundated with other people’s answers. Curiosity becomes a precious and rare quality, and this series prompts the viewer to ask

About wires and birds
Hands and quibbling
The invitation to wholesomeness

Svilen Nachev born in 1979 in the small bulgarian town of Svishtov located on Danube river. He has been interested in photography since his teenage years and started taking photos in the streets in 2011. Photography is Svilen’s passion, an escape from the everyday, a documentation of life and an expression of the self.