/ Krists Zukuls / Photo story


Young Latvian photographer relfects upon loneliness and alienation.

/ Alexandr Polyantsev / Photo story

We’re here

Russian photographer uses CCTV camera footage to travel during quarantine.

/ Sasha Bauer / Photo story

Sasha Bauer

Russian photographer is trying to connect with her grandfather who was Volga German.

/ Matylda Awdziejczyk / Photo story


Polish photographer is taking part in Riga Photomonth.

/ Daniel Kocherga / Photo story

Dirty Dreaming

Amsterdam based photographer is responding to the COVID-19 lockdown.

/ Karol Palka / Photo story


Polish photographer documents buildings that have survived the Communist regime.

/ Karina Fomina / Photo story

Apt Number

Russian photographer is trying to overcome the imposed thinking patterns.