Annija Muižule
Latvian artist is having a solo show at the ISSP Gallery in Riga.
Latvian artist is having a solo show at the ISSP Gallery in Riga.
Latvian artist reflects upon the importance of arts to our society.
Young Latvian photographer goes on a trip with her grandmother.
Latvian photographer examines intimacy between the photographer and her subject.
Latvian photographer wins the New East Photo Prize with the series he did in Crimea in 2011.
Latvian photographer captures everyday moments following the footsteps of her daughters.
Latvian photographer captures life by the lake in the middle of a forest in Eastern Latvia.
Latvian photographer looks at the clouds and explores the big world.
Young Latvian photographer turns her camera towards her peers and wins FK Prize.
Latvian photographer is creating a series about teenagers who are learning how to be men.
Latvian photographer discovers a photo archive of the Soviet Riga movie theatre and turns it into a photobook.